Eliminating Dog-Mediated Rabies
In consultation with communities and local NGOs, we assist in setting up a framework to help eliminate dog-mediated rabies through an integrated One Health approach, focusing on the Communities Against Rabies initiative.
Community Engagement
Engages people in communities to open dialogue about rabies, local tools, strategies, the link between human and animal health, and the components of a community dog health program that would be important for their community. This encourages people to take an integral role in their community to strengthen human and dog health by becoming Dog Health Champions. (DHCs)
DHCs are trained to educate their communities on dog health, rabies vaccination and surveillance through the Global Alliance for Rabies Control Education Platform.


Dog Population Surveillance
Surveillance, evaluation, and reporting of dog population dynamics are conducted using available Apps and tools. Communities are encouraged to participate in ongoing assessments and evaluations. Integrating public health, community health centres and human health representatives in dog bite reporting and access to human rabies post-exposure prophylaxis. (PEP)

Rabies Vaccination Campaigns
Vaccination campaigns are set up in a clinic or door-to-door campaigns where 70% or more of the dog population is targeted. This includes owned, unowned, community dogs and feral dogs. Depending on the population dynamics and community needs. The community is encouraged to take control of their rabies vaccination campaigns by training locals in animal handling and vaccination.

Community Awareness Campaigns
Community awareness campaigns involve rabies awareness, control and elimination, dog bite prevention, behaviour, and body language. Public awareness campaigns are encouraged to be directed by community members with relevant training.
Dog Management Practices
When the community has identified their needs and what components of a dog management program would work for them. Various approaches to a DMP are implemented in the community, with the community taking on the role of managing their dogs, starting at an individual level and promoting responsible dog ownership.